Welcome to the NHS ePrescribing Toolkit
Designed to support NHS teams in the planning, implementation and the use of ePrescribing and Medicines Administration systems, this toolkit offers guidance and resources for every step of the journey. Created by the NIHR funded ePrescribing Research Programme, the toolkit is aimed at NHS managers, IT specialists, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and allied health professionals.
ePrescribing planner
Explore plannerA series of mini ‘how to’ guides, top tips and resources to support you at every stage of the implementation process.

Benefits Realisation
ExploreCreated from the insights of 70+ trusts from across the NHS and their experiences of the ePMA journey, the advice and information in this Benefits Realisation resource will support you use the experience of others to inform your own ePMA journey.
eHealth – Benefits Management Toolkit
Ideally, the benefits approach will be built-in from the initiation stage of each new project. In this way the benefits you seek determine what process and role change must happen, which in turn determine what IT system capabilities are required. For projects that have already started, the benefits approach can still be used to help ...
GDE Blueprint: Barcode Medication Administration (BCMA)
Cambridge University Hospital’s introduction of barcode medication administration (BCMA) has improved patient safety by reducing the overall rate of adverse drug events and decreasing transcription errors. Medication scanning is a vital component of HIMSS stage 6 and is live across all inpatient areas and ED. On average 168,000 medication administrations are scanned per month.
How to Avoid Common Pitfalls – NHS England document to support your eP Procurement.
Why we need ePrescribing?
Presentation from the National Patient Safety Agency exploring the burden of medication errors and the requirements for better-designed medication systems