
The system is now ready to go live!  Before you move onto consolidation, there are a few steps you need to take to ensure the go-live process runs smoothly.Read our tips on what to consider below

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What to do

  • Clinical safety case should be signed off

    It is important to remember that a period of disturbance to service delivery and initial difficulties are part of the course and should be anticipated as part of the planning. Therefore, as the system becomes embedded and there is a transition to normal use, a period of stabilisation should be planned for.

  • Migration + Transcribing

    Develop an effective way to flag errors/risks throughout the go-live process.

  • Impact on resourcing

    What temporary alterations to staff mix and availability will roll-out result in? IT and Pharmacy support and collaboration will be crucial, and they will need to effectively communicate with each other during the go-live process.


    Consider allocating champions to train staff

  • Communications

    It’s important to manage expectations, so work with your trust’s communications team to convey consistent messages to your stakeholders.

  • Project Team Communications

    Emails are not the only way to communicate. Consider intuitive methods such as Slack, Microsoft Teams and WhatsApp to stay on top of issues.


Looking for more tips? Head on over to our collaborative workspace and question our network. There is more learning to be uncovered!

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